TRIGGER WARNING: This video contains information and personal accounts from survivors of sexual assault

Together, Maddy Hodgetts and I researched personal accounts from survivors of sexual assault and created this script to acknowledge the different experiences that survivors might have because of their gender. Significantly, the video spans 107 seconds. Every 107 seconds someone is sexually assaulted in the United States. If you or anyone you know would like to help or needs support visit RAINN
We directed, scripted, filmed, and animated everything together. We wanted to animate the text in a way that expressed the significance of each word of the survivors. We wanted to play with the significance of gender when the words are spoken by placing  the female actors voice over the male as they spoke, and vice versa. This was in hopes that the viewer could question any gendered preconceptions they may have based on the words being spoken.
Type Exploration
timed to the beat of the dialogue we recorded, I played with different type compositions to determine the right one to express the emotions behind the words

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